Point Loma Veterinary Clinic

1964 Sunset Cliffs Blvd
San Diego, CA 92107




We know that

your pets play

a huge role in your 


Let us help keep them happy and healthy.

Your local veterinary clinic in Point Loma, California

5% Military Discount
for Veterinary Services when shown ID.

5% discount for military personnel/family members
for veterinary services, exams, vaccines,
lab tests, Rx's, medical diets and products.

Thank you for your service!

*Must present valid military ID.

military service dog


Zoetis Rewards

Let us help you save money when you buy Zoetis flea,
heartworm and arthritis medications.

Grooming1 Grooming 2


Kidney Awareness Month

Does your pet drink a lot of water? There are several medical conditions that can
increase thirst in your pet and it is important to know why your pet drinks a lot by
performing several diagnostic tests and procedures.

The following conditions are associated with your pet drinking a lot of water:
1) Kidney diseases-most common cause of excessive water consumption
2) Diabetes mellitus-high blood sugar levels due to deficient Insulin secretion
3) Diabetes insipidus-Anti-Diuretic Hormone deficiency-uncontrolled urination
4) Cushing’s Disease-elevated cortisone levels with physical appearance changes
5) Liver diseases-cellular dysfunction leads to polydipsia & polyuria

We will concentrate on Kidney diseases because they are more common than the other
diseases listed above. There are fortunately a variety of therapeutic options that can
help your pet live a longer, healthier life if kidney disease is detected early by blood and
urine tests which are listed below:

  • Kidney disease diets
  • Fluid therapy
  • Antibiotics if urinary infection
  • Potassium supplement
  • Phosphorus binder
  • B vitamins & iron
  • Anti-nausea Rx
  • Hormone to reduce anemia
  • Appetite stimulant
  • Rx to reduce proteinuria
  • Omega-3 product
  • Source of fiber to reduce constipation
  • Blood pressure Rx

kidney food 

The following diagnostic tests & procedures and prescription diets are discounted in the
month of March as Kidney Awareness Month:

15% discount on any of the following:

  • Complete blood panel
  • Urinalysis
  • Blood pressure
  • Urine protein to creatinine ratio test
  • Abdominal X-rays or Ultrasound
  • Urine culture

5% discount on Kidney diets during March